

MAPs wanted for study on barriers and facilitators in accessing professional support

B4U-ACT is collaborating with researchers at the University of Houston-Victoria to support a study on experiences of accessing professional support among MAPs. Minor-attracted people who have never engaged in illegal sexual activities involving minors are invited to participate via an anonymous audio-only interview.
Potential participants can reach the research team at the following email address: Nopresearch@uhv.edu
Here is additional information from the research team:

Research project title: Barriers and facilitators in accessing professional support for MAPs who have not engaged in illegal sexual activities involving minors

Research team University of Houston Victoria: Dr Rebecca Heron, Dr Karen Parsonson & Dr Sara Zedaker, Brittany Proctor

The aim of this research is to explore MAPs’ (minor attracted persons) experiences of accessing professional support. Our research focuses on MAPs who have never engaged in illegal sexual activities involving minors.  We aim to find out more about the barriers and facilitators which these MAPs experience and perceive when accessing support. As a result of this research, we hope to improve other MAP’s experiences of accessing professional support, and to also educate professionals on how they can make this process easier.

You are invited to participate in this research study as you have identified as a member of this support group and are over the age of 18. In participating in this research, you agree to an interview, whereby you will be asked questions about your experiences/perceptions of finding and accessing professional support, and even if you have not, you are still invited to take part. 

This interview will last for around one hour and will be held on skype via audio so your identity will not be revealed. Participants will also be encouraged to use a false name, in order to further conceal their identity. Interviews will be transcribed (with no identifying information) and then the audio recordings destroyed. Data will be combined and the main themes from the interviews will be written up into a report, which will be shared publicly to inform other professionals on how to best support Minor Attracted Persons. However, within this report, no identifiable information will be shared and so all participants will remain completely anonymous. 

We hope that this research will inform professionals on how they can better help and support Minor Attracted Persons. Although these interviews are strictly confidential, please note the researcher will have a duty to report any information to the appropriate authorities, if they believe that the participant is at risk or anyone else’s safety is at risk. For example, if a participant discloses an unreported criminal offence or their own mental health or safety being at risk. 

Thank you so much for your consideration in participating in this research. This research is very important and we hope that this project will have a positive impact reducing stigma and helping Minor Attracted Person to come forward and access professional support when they need it.

To engage in this research or to find out more information, please email the following research address: Nopresearch@uhv.edu and interviews will be scheduled from there.

Thanks very much,

Research team (University of Houston Victoria).