Ongoing since October 2017, the “Dialog on Therapy” is a monthly discussion about meeting the mental health needs of MAPs. B4U-ACT has developed a brief guide and held several workshops on this topic. We also maintain a growing list of therapists who offer therapy in line with our guide. The “Dialog on Therapy” discussion group delves more deeply into this and related topics.

We meet once a month for an hour by online video/audio conferencing. Like our workshops, the group includes mental health and sexuality professionals, researchers, educators, students, MAPs, their family members and friends, and others who have a stake in this topic. Our goals are to gain an understanding of:

  • MAPs’ experiences with therapy
  • what MAPs might look for in therapy
  • possible goals and approaches for therapy
  • issues MAPs face in their lives that are relevant to therapy
  • educating therapists
  • concerns therapists and others may have about therapy, and how they might be addressed
  • how recommendations for therapy may be developed and implemented
  • how therapists might publicize their services for MAPs

The dialog meets on the first Saturday of each month at 11:00 am North American Eastern Time. Contact if you’re interested in joining the discussion.