

MAPs Wanted for Study on Attitudes Towards Mental Health Treatment

Participants are needed for a new study conducted by a team of researchers from Alliant International University. The goal of the study is to increase mental treatment providers understanding of preferences/ goals for treatment in order to better provide appropriate treatment options for Minor-Attracted Persons.

The survey covers the following topics:

  1. Past mental health treatment experiences
  2. Barriers to treatment
  3. Goals and preferences for mental health treatment
  4. Attitudes towards seeking mental health support

People who identify as being attracted to minors are invited to participate by completing an approximately 15-minute anonymous survey. Interested potential participants may click the following link to participate or learn more:

The primary investigator of this study is Alissa Yargeau, BA., at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, San Diego, California (ayargeau@alliant.edu). This study has been approved by Alliant’s Institutional Review Board. For general questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Alliant International University Institutional Review Board at alliant-irb@alliant.edu.