Looking to provide your colleagues or students with a more accurate understanding of people attracted to children or adolescents? Consider inviting us to speak at a class or conference. Representatives of B4U-ACT, including both mental health professionals and volunteers who are themselves attracted to minors, can provide research-backed information and first-hand knowledge about what it’s like to work with, or live as, minor-attracted people.
Our one to two hour presentations involve sharing about personal experiences, describing insights we’ve gained, and leaving ample time for questions and discussion. We’ve found that these face-to-face exchanges can dramatically increase understanding in a short amount of time.
We’ve spoken to mental health and research professionals as well as university students in the fields of psychology, social work, and human sexuality at:
- Widener University, Chester, PA
- Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Howard University, Washington, DC
- Annual Conference of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)
- AASECT Sexual Attitudes Reassessment
- Certified Behavioral Sexologist (CBS) Program by Empowered: A Center for Sexuality
- National Conference of the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL)
If some of our representatives live in your area, or you are willing to pay for transportation costs, we can speak in person. Otherwise, we can speak via video or conference call.
To explore the possibility of B4U-ACT representatives speaking with your group, contact us.