

2019 Accomplishments

During 2019, with the support of our generous donors, B4U-ACT has:

  1. Held a one-day workshop on “Compassionate and Informed Approaches for Supporting Minor-Attracted People,” highlighting three therapeutic models: Compassion-Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and the Berlin Dissexuality Therapy (Dunkelfeld) Program. The workshop was attended by 45 therapists, researchers, graduate students, and MAPs.
  2. Held twelve teleconferences on therapy for MAPs, attended by therapists, researchers, graduate students, and MAPs.
  3. Collaborated with researchers on seven studies on the mental health of MAPs, by assisting them in the development of their research foci, interview protocols, and/or survey questions, and/or by recruiting subjects for their studies.
  4. Established an email group for researchers who study mental health issues of MAPs. The group currently consists of 36 members.
  5. Increased the number of therapists on our referral list, and continued to refer MAPs to them.
  6. Began work on a review of the Berlin Dissexuality Therapy program and a document on sexual health for MAPs.
  7. Continued its two online support groups: one for MAPs and one for friends and family members of MAPs