Beyond Fear & Distrust:
Dialogue About & With Mental Health Professionals & Minor-Attracted Persons
September 28, 2012
Baltimore, MD
Continuing in our efforts to provide face-to-face opportunities for MAPs and mental health professionals (MHPs) to better understand each other, B4U-ACT provided a half-day workshop at the National Association of Social Workers, Maryland Chapter’s Fall 2012 Clinical Conference. Two MAPs and two MHPs jointly presented the workshop, with 29 participants. Post-workshop evaluations indicated that on the five different criteria, 86-93% of participants rated the session as “Excellent” or “Good.” Comments included: “Very beneficial workshop. Due to high level of discussion around topic, might want to make this an all-day workshop and/or keynote speech discussion.” “Excellent, thoughtful, heartfelt presentation.” “Glad NASW took the risk to present this! VERY worthwhile!”